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Back to News December 2014

Packing for the next generation from Elif!

With the awareness that improving the conditions of life and education of future generations is the most important value for the community, Elif donated hygiene products and cleaning supplies to the Bahçelievler Child Protection Institute also this year as in previous years.

Creating a difference in packaging industry with its “Packing for Life” approach, Elif continues to expand its traditional projects while creating new projects with the aim and passion in every decision and every step taken to do the best for the 'human' that is the reason for its existence. In line with the sustainability policy, Elif, invests into the future by supporting those projects, which add value to human and especially to future generations.

Believing that the economic, social and cultural development is possible with consciousness of 'Corporate Citizenship', Elif has donated hygiene products and cleaning supplies that the lone infants and children between the ages of 0-12 might need in this context to the Bahçelievler Child Protection Institute also this year as in previous years. Elif, being one of the leading flexible packaging suppliers worldwide, will continue to provide its traditional hygiene and cleaning package support, containing baby diaper, laundry detergent, paper towels, napkins, baby wipes and other products for which Elif produces the packaging in the coming years.

Being aware that the social development and improving the living conditions of the community may be performed with the new generation grown in healthier, happier and better conditions, Elif will continue to produce packaging for the community as support to those institutions and organizations that strive for this holy objective.