Elif added the obtaining of ISO 50 001 and ISO 14 064 standards into its targets, parallel to its sustainable growth strategy. In this context, Elif started its studies concerning the energy management system and carbon footprint reporting in June.
In order to achieve its “green factory” target, Elif, is continuing its proactive projects under the world’s most important topic of continuously reducing carbon emissions with the right energy management system. Accordingly, Elif aims to be awarded with the ISO 50 001 and ISO 14 064 certificates in the coming year. Elif will be the first packaging company in the sector realising ISO 50 001 and ISO 14 064 certificates, which are obtained only by reputable companies around the world and in Turkey.
With ISO 50 001 Energy Management System Standard, considered as a management system that aims for efficient energy use, Elif intends to provide maximum production with minimum consumption without compromising quality and production capacity. In order to reinforce the greenhouse gas management, Elif also plans to accomplish ISO 14 064 Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) Verification Standard, together with ISO 50 001, by defining greenhouse gas emission limits, accounting and reporting.
Sustainable management forms the basis of Elif’s commercial success. Conscious consideration of its social and societal responsibility, as well as conscientious handling of natural resources and the environment are integral parts of Elif’s self-image. Elif exists for the purpose of creating value by increasing the standards of living and the quality of life of its employees and otherwise contributing to the economic, environmental and social well-being of its customers, suppliers and the nations in which the company conducts business with.
With ISO 50 001 and ISO 14 064 certificates, Elif aims to make its “continuous improvement” philosophy official through decreasing energy consumption, improving energy efficiency, increasing renewable energy resources, minimising the use of natural resources, and contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.